Saturday, January 23, 2010

Shane's question about intersections

Wendy here...Shane from the Forest Service asked me a question about a problem he was having with intersections. He was getting an error message. I did a little video for him about doing an intersection on his project. This video is mostly for Shane to view but it might be interesting to others so that they can see how an intersection goes together.

Go on over to to see the video:

Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Civil 3D Coordinate Conversions

I came across a post from that references an article dealing with coordinate conversions an Civil 3D. The article was originally written by Edward-James Surveying, Inc. for 2008 but has been recently updated for 2010. If any of you have struggled with this option in Civil 3D as much as I have then you should enjoy the article. And please if you are struggling with this please let AutoDesk know so they will make fixing this a priority.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Next meeting March 10th

We had about 10 people at our meeting last night including our dedicated members from Evanston Wyoming and Shaan Hurley from Autodesk. It's always nice to have Shaan at our meetings, I know he is super busy but if he is in town he always shows up. If you haven't up to now you should check out his blog here: He has a lot of good stuff about Autodesk, AutoCAD and just geeky stuff in general. He also has information about other user groups in Utah. He mentioned that the Revit User Group was getting fired up again and there is also an Inventer User Group getting organized.

We had some discussions mostly about corridors and solving problems that people were having with them. I'm not sure we solved a lot but at least we talked about possible solutions.

Our next meeting is planned for March 10th so mark it on your calendar and plan to attend. The location will be the same.

Thanks go out to CLC Associates for allowing us to have the meeting at their offices and also to Michelle Rasmussen, Leland Jensen and all the folks at IMAGINiT for being a sponsor of our group!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Next user group meeting Tuesday, January 12th.

We just want to let you know about the Civil 3D user group meeting next week. Here is information about that meeting:

Date: Tuesday, January 12th

Time: 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Location: CLC Associates at 420 East South Temple, Suite 550, in Salt Lake City – This is the same location that we had the last user group meeting but may be a new location to some of you. Enter from 4th East into the garage entrance that is closest to South Temple. Take the elevator to the 5th floor and CLC will be right in front of you as you get off the elevator.

Topics: We will have a presentation about Civil 3D and a general discussion where you can discuss Civil 3D with your peers.

Cost: Still free

Food: Yes, sandwiches or pizza or some such.

We hope to see you there!